Waste & Resource Efficiency

Waste & Resource Efficiency

The past 65 years have seen plastics production increase from 1.5 a year to 300 million tonnes*. Plastic materials are used increasingly across all sectors, mainly due to their convenience for consumers and their versatility in design and functionality. Plastics also bring tangible economic, environmental and social benefits, including food waste reduction, better crop production, higher energy efficiency, reduced CO2 emissions and lower water demand. However, the world population continues to grow, and consumption patterns change. Along with the lack of adequate end-of-life waste management and the issue of littering, all these factors have contributed to global marine pollution. Stopping the leakage of plastics into the oceans is a global challenge.

But the planet has limited resources and plastics are too valuable to be wasted. Borealis is committed to improving plastic recovery and reuse through its engagement in the plastics circular economy. With the Borealis Social Fund, Borealis is going beyond its core business. Waste and marine litter prevention has been defined as one of the three focus areas for the social fund. The first projects began in 2017, with more to follow.



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