Glove Boxes and Lower Dashboard Trims

Durable materials with excellent surface finish

Glove boxes offer convenient storage space as well as contributing to the visual appeal of a car's interior. Highly customizable and providing an optimal balance of strength, stiffness, and impact resistance, our Daplen™ grades give you the freedom to design durable gloves boxes that are a seamless fit for any car interior.

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Benefits of Our Polyolefin Materials

  • High stiffness and strength: Materials that are capable of withstanding heavy loads and offering superior impact resistance, supporting you to create glove boxes that are durable and long-lasting.
  • Excellent surface finish: As a highly visible part of the car interior, glove boxes need to be visually appealing and provide a premium feel.
  • Weight reduction: Lightweight materials reduce the overall weight of the car, improving fuel efficiency in conventional cars and increasing the range of electric vehicles.

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