Project STOP

Global Treaty Against Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution has long been recognised to cause a number of detrimental environmental and societal consequences, despite plastic solutions contributing to sustainability in many applications. Nevertheless, the global rise in demand for plastic until now has outpaced voluntary efforts to curb plastic pollution. In March 2022, at the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2), 175 countries supported a resolution to negotiate a Global Treaty Against Plastic Pollution. From the start, Borealis has been supportive of an ambitious treaty to curb global plastic pollution.

Ambitious Action Against Plastic Pollution

Building on a long-standing and trusted cooperation with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF), Borealis, as only conventional plastics producer, has from the start endorsed the Business Coalition For A Global Plastics Treaty (BCGPT), which unites over 100 organizations from the plastics value chain, finance companies and partner NGOs in the shared vision that the world needs an ambitious UN treaty that brings all plastic into the circular economy and stops it from becoming waste and pollution. To this end, the endorsers of the BCGPT support globally harmonized regulations on reduction, circulation & prevention, alongside of remediation.

Honouring our commitment towards establishing a functioning circular economy, Borealis as endorser of the BCGPT is supporting globally harmonized circularity measures such as standards following the reduce, reuse & recycle principle, mandatory Design for Recycling and Extended Producer Responsibility schemes (EPR).

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The Vision of the Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty

The policy recommendations of the BCGPT to be formalized in the Treaty include a reduction of plastic through a circular economy approach, focusing on virgin plastics, with a particular focus on those produced from fossil fuels to contribute towards staying within the 1.5 degree climate pathway, and problematic applications with a high probability of leaking into the environment.

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