September 28, 2021

Improved opacity for BorSafe™ ME3441

Based on market feedback, Borealis has improved the colour of BorSafe ME3441. The upgraded version of BorSafe ME3441 shows a richer and deeper yellow colour. The yellow colour of the material helps to identify that the pipe is transporting gas in steel pipe coating (SPC) applications, and increases the visibility subsea in “subsea-umbilicals, risers and flowlines” (SURF) applications.

Although the ME3441 material has improved in colour, it remains the same in other aspects. Borealis customers continue to benefit from the same processability and the mechanical properties from ME3441, as well as the same product documentation.

About Borealis BorSafe ME3441

BorSafe ME3441 is a yellow-coloured PE compound that is used in 3-Layer-Polyethylene (3LPE) based coatings and as a jacketing materials in SURF applications. Customers process the material directly via an extrusion process without the need to add a colour-masterbatch. The material is rated highly for its consistency in quality, the good processing properties as well as the impact/stiffness ratio. Whether it is used as a topcoat in SPC applications or as a jacking material for SURF pipes, the material protects the piping structure from mechanical damages over a wide temperature range.