October 18, 2023

Moving ahead together: Borealis Mobility team enhances collaborations at the SPE® TPO Global Automotive Conference in Michigan (USA)

From October 1–4, 2023, our Borealis NAM Mobility experts were taking centre stage at the SPE® TPO Global Automotive Conference in Troy (Michigan, USA). This year's edition focused on two key themes: sustainability and electrification, which strongly echo Borealis' commitment to a more sustainable future.

The conference offered learning opportunities and networking interactions for the entire Mobility value chain. Decision makers from raw material manufacturers as well as Tier suppliers, service providers and OEMs (like GM, Ford, Stellantis, Magna, Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, Rivian and Lucid) engaged in conversations about the current trends regarding Circular Economy, light-weighting and flame retardant polypropylene.

Our Borealis applications, such as a V0PP battery case and a foamed PP IP carrier, attracted significant attention and fuelled in-depth discussions. In particular, the availability of PCR/PIR in the NAM region, advancements in translucent PP, and developments in metallic and color applications garnered significant interest.

The Borealis team was able to establish new relationships, and continue discussions on several ongoing projects with our customer base and supply chain. Interesting leads have been identified with Rivian, Stellantis, GM, Nissan, and Magna.

We look forward to moving ahead together with these key contacts and to growing Mobility shares in these technical areas.

For further information reach out to:
Kevin DeGrood | kevin.degrood@borealisgroup.com
Application Marketing Manager | Borealis Mobility